Monday, February 15, 2010

If You've Been Praying for Haiti Then You'll want to Read This...

God is at work everywhere, His spirit draws all men unto Himself. He is fair and just. His love is immeasurable. He works in places that we can't see. Praise and glory to the King of Kings, the God I serve, Jesus Christ.

Last night I received an email from the Director of Surgical Services at The Northwest Christian Mission in Haiti. In her email she explained about all the wonderful surgeries that have taken place and how the Lord is using the earthquake and mission to bring people to Christ. She said that if she were to tell us all the wonderful happenings, it would take 10 full pages to explain every detail.

At the end of her email, she stated how Haiti's national religion has been voodoo for many years. She also stated the following: (I've copied and pasted)

For many years there has been an effort by some of our Haitian Christians to have the government grant permission to have a national day of prayer and to have prayer services on the grounds of the Presidential Palace in Port au Prince. Haiti, with the national religion of voodoo, of course would never allow this. However, within a month of the earthquake, with most of Port au Prince in ruins, including some of the Presidential Palace, the government has not only granted permission to hold a national day of prayer, but has encouraged those in Port au Prince, to gather on the Palace grounds and through out the entire country, in churches and missions to hold 5-days of prayer and repentance.

Beginning on the one month anniversary of the earthquake, all public places in Haiti were closed. At 0700 on the 12th, Haitians and missionaries, black and white, gathered for prayer and worship. Some services lasted 5 hours, some lasted late into the night. But I was told that no matter what time these services ended, that at 4:53 in the afternoon, that people stopped whatever they were doing, fell on their knees and prayed for their country, for the survivors of the earthquake and for the future of their nation. God is going to do a mighty work in Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake. I believe with all my heart that God will full fill his promise in II Chronicles 7:14 that God will heal their land when its people humble themselves and pray, seek His face and turn from their wicked ways.

In the midst of disaster, despair, disease, death, God has been with His people. He is bringing hope and healing to Haiti.

I stand at awe at the power of God. Please continue to pray for Haiti, not just Haiti, but everywhere, people need to turn their hearts to the Lord.

If you'd like to take a look at the Missions website, click below.

~ Kelly


  1. Thanks for sharing an inside scoop from someone on the frontlines.

  2. Yeah, you don't hear much of that on television.


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