Sunday, September 21, 2008

I am Blessed

Yesterday, Seaside Vineyard had another yard sale to raise money for the Romania Missions trip in October. David and Cally are going on with Seaside on this trip, it will be their very first missions trip ever.  So, we spent Friday evening and all day Saturday helping with the yard sale. It was a lot of fun and work to say the least. Seaside has a lot of loving, caring people who follow the Lord. God has been very good to have sent us in their direction. I had been praying and praying for an opportunity to share the Lord with someone or just for God to use me in anyway. I'm really not truly happy unless I am able to do what I've been wired for, which is Christ. Well, Friday night at Seaside as we were finishing getting ready for the yard sale, I started talking to a young lady. A sweet young lady for that matter. She shared some of her life's trails with Cally and I. It truly was a privilege for her to trust us enough with her life. She has had an unusually unfair past and it's so amazing to see God in the midst of it. She hasn't been a Christian very long, but she is making strides in her walk. Her desire to follow him will make her win this race in life. I was so blessed to be apart of it.

Friday evening before leaving to go to the yard sale, I invited my friend Daniel to come to church with us. I really like Daniel and I know more than life itself, that God loves Daniel and desires for him to surrender his life to Him. Well, Saturday as I'm walking in Walmart, Bethany text's me and said that she and Daniel would be coming with us to church tomorrow. I love to see God work in the hearts of people and most of all, love being apart of it. 

Thank you Lord, I am blessed,
~ Kelly


  1. Hello, I am dropping in from my blog to say hello. Thanks for following my blog. I love Beth Moore, too. And I am happy that your friends are going to visit your church. That' s what I like about the Vineyard. It's a place for everyday people to find Christ. One day we want to have a strong Vineyard Church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Blessings!

  2. Thanks for commenting on my blog, I was thrilled to hear from you. Yes, our friends came to church with us on Sunday. The Vineyard church is a great church to belong to and I hope your church in Honduras grows as well. I pray I can visit Honduras, I would be in Tocoa Colon though. I hear it's about 7 hours from you. You never know what direction we will go in life, huh? Thanks for getting in touch.


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