Sunday, April 1, 2012

Over hearing a conversation

Setting: Government office-all chairs lined up one row behind the other, staring at the back of heads. Two ladies behind me talking.

Conversation goes something like this: "You know my three year old is Pisces?" " Oh yeah, my daughter is a Leo." " Well Pisces are pathological liars. THIS CHILD CAN LIE NOW. He will tell you something that happened months ago and make you believe it just happened." " Well, my daughter is Leo and she is so controlling. She has to be in control of everything." " Yeah, Pisces and Leo's are hard people to be around. Lord help us both." ( Why did I get the feeling that these mothers weren't very thrilled to be with their kids?) Oh well...........

Staring at the wall in front of me (thank God they couldn't see my face) and overhearing these ladies talk was about to kill me. Not the conversation, but not being able to say anything to them.

First of all, aren't we all born with a sin nature? Yeah, that's what I thought too.
 If you ask me, that really sounds better than being called a pathological liar. After all, my first born would be considered a Pisces and if we must, I would be a Leo. We would most definitely break that mold, well my daughter would anyway...

I remember putting all my stock in astrology when I was younger and it didn't offer much of a future or a hope for me.  I found myself sad listening to the two of these women.

 I began thinking how much satan is a liar who wants us to believe the opposite of what God has planned for us. How he comes to set captives free and makes old things brand new.

That's exactly what He wants to do for these ladies and their babies....

~ thankful for what Christ has done

1 comment:

  1. this is TOTALLY off topic, but only 2 weeks till we kiss that baby and hug that blonde girl.

    i can't wait.


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