Monday, November 1, 2010

In a split second...

Our lives can as I was driving into town I was profoundly reminded of that truth.

Monday is my only day off during the week, so this morning I took my time getting ready. After drinking a pot of coffee and having a well needed quiet time with the Lord, I got dressed and headed towards Bluffton to spend the afternoon with my youngest daughter. Before heading towards the car, I remember generically praying, "Father, you know what I will face today, I ask that I can handle anything that is sent my way." After praying that out loud, the thought ran through my head, "that was gloomy." Not another thought about that, I proceeded toward town with my youngest daughter side by side in another car. Of course, we did the talk back and forth sign language and all that stupid stuff you do with people you know driving along at 60 miles an hour.
Cally somehow got two cars in front of me and we slow down for a stop light. The whole time she is observing a motorcycle in her side mirror that is weaving in between traffic traveling at a high speed. She sees that it cuts in front of a truck right behind me and doesn't see that I have come to a stop for the light in front of us. The guy on the motorcycle plows into the back of my car. I wasn't paying attention to the motorcycle weaving in and out of traffic, I never knew he was behind me. After the sudden impact to my car, I looked up in my rearview mirror and didn't see anything at all. ( I thought I was having a peri-menopause moment, imagining things) Then looked in my right side mirror and I saw a motorcycle laying on the ground. As the adrenaline rush took over, I knew I had to get out of the car and check on this person; afraid of what I was going to find, I headed towards the back of my car. To my amazement the man was getting up. When his body flew into the back of my car, it left a huge dent, along with facial fluids on the back windshield. The man seemed to be o.k., but later decided that he would go to the emergency room. No doubt, he wasn't feeling very well.

The car that this man cut in front of before plowing into the back of my car, happened to be an undercover police, navy blue, suburban truck. Immediately the lights come on and he takes control.

I'm thankful, that this man was o.k. My husband and I ride a motorcycle and it made things a little bit more sobering to think about what could have happened.

Also, when I look back at how the Lord spared me today, I am thankful that I didn't even know that man was behind me or I would have seen him fly into my car and my last memory would have been his face in my rearview.

After all, it wasn't a gloomy prayer at all, it was answered!


  1. Hi I just discovered you and am your newest Follower. This post is a good reminder isn't it? I ride with my hubs also and I love it so much!

  2. I'm glad you stopped by "Recovering Church Lady". I now am your newest follower too. Reading some of your posts, I find that we could be in the same season of life; freedom. It's great isn't it?


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