Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ever want to write a book?

I've wanted to write many books throughout my life.

All pertaining to the Lord and whatever I was going through at the moment.

Kevin Leman has a book titled, "Making Children Mind without Losing Yours".
And all the parents said, AMEN!

How about: "God Uses Cracked Pots" by: Patsy Clairmont. She also wrote:
"Normal is Just a Dryer Setting". I have used that little saying since I can't remember when.

But today, I thought I would write a book on Peri-Menopause or Menopause. Yes, it deserves a capital letter, because it speaks so loud at this time in my life.

I've always joked about writing a book pertaining to my Christian walk and trying to survive Peri-Menopause. How about this title? " Walking in the Spirit Moment by Moment and wanting to Choke Someone to Death in the Same Breath". , "Whose in Control, Jesus or your Hormones?" "Is This Hell or another Hot Flash?" I honestly don't want to sound disrespectful to the Lord at all; just being real. As a disclaimer: I try to love the Lord with all of my heart and soul, but in all reality, it's not easy dealing with change. Whether a chemical change, geographical, emotional, whatever the case may be, it's difficult.

Aren't you happy that we live in this time frame? Where we have freedom of speech, AND blogs to post whatever we're feeling. For many years I belonged to a church where we had to watch our p's and q's. Cross every T and dot every I. This reminds me of my new found friend here in Blogland, Susie. Her blog is named: recoveringchurchlady.blogspot.com. It's worth a peek or two.

Well anyhow, I was always taught that emotional change or chemistry change are overused terms and basically we just need MORE prayer and studying of God's word. Of course, prayer and studying are wonderfully good (breaking the grammar rules) and much needed in our lives. But, I have seen lives wrecked because of chemical deficiencies and lack of medical attention. Not only, physically, but that belief can produce an emotional and spiritual basket case.

Back to the hormones. I'm 50 years old and I have been experiencing peri-menopause symptoms now for about 2 years. They have recently become full blown symptoms, such as, wanting to cry when the cashier is talking to me in the grocery store, hot flashes, (about 8 times a day, especially at night) overwhelming anger and a short temper. Now, I am normally very even keeled. I homeschooled my children for a little over 16 years, certainly that would produce some level of patience in my life, but not at this time. If anything, it has made me spend more time on my knees in constant prayer trying to walk in the spirit to overcome these wicked symptoms.

And then one day.....

the light went on. Dear Jesus, I'm calling my doctor for help. Which was the best thing to do for me, my family and my customers. After I made the call to my doctor, she put me on a bio-identical hormone, which has TRANSFORMED my life back to the "Normal dryer setting".

It also made me realize that some people REALLY do need to get intervention medicine for depression, etc... It has made me more sensitive to the imbalances that people suffer with on day to day basis.

I understand that HRT therapy isn't for everyone, due to family history of breast cancer, etc...
I happen to be in the low-risk category, so I took the plunge and did it.

I am even more sensitive towards my 81 year old mother who is STILL on HRT. Before hand, I couldn't understand why this woman who has been finished with menopause for almost 30 years still begged doctors for them.

And I've made my mind up, if anyone tries to take my HRT away from me, I'll be kicking and screaming to find someone to give them to me too. I'd probably have to be admitted in a rehab for former HRT users. That's how much they've helped.

~ Kelly


  1. Hey! Just read your other post too, "in a split second..." Glad that didn't turn out worse than it did.

    Stay on the hormones...we like you that way ;)

  2. Yes Ames, the motorcycle incident was scary, more so for the other guy.

    Don't worry, as long as these "horror"mones agree with me, I plan on staying with them.

    Thanks for dropping off the food yesterday; I loved it!

  3. Preach it Sister! Your getting brazin' in your old age!!

  4. Yes my daughter, it's called FREEDOM!

  5. wow, was i shocked to see my blog mentioned in this post!! I was drawn to it by the title "Ever Want to write a Book?". Because I do have a book in my head & this morning I have been trying to answer some hard questions about it so your title pulled me in.
    Then you mention me!! So fun! Thanks God!

    Menopause? yep, done that! Not fun, but the fun part now is freedom from the monthlies & contraception! Yay!! All good now!


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