Sunday, September 14, 2008

Don't Look

So, it's unofficially Grandchildren's Day, but it was at my house , anyhow. Watching the 3 banches Friday night and all day Saturday really takes a grandparent back a few 24 hours.

Scripture says that, " Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. Proverbs 17:6.

Grandchildren are most definitely the icing on the cake. But, if you read that scripture again, I suppose that it is saying that I'm aged. Wow, 48 yrs. old. and aged. Never really thought about it like that. 

Children are full of life and it's contagious, if you let it. We laughed  and played all weekend. They are my buddies!

Every time I watch my grandchildren, I have a deeper appreciation for my daughter, Mikal. ( The mother of these children) She truly has her hands full and does an excellent job. Have you ever seen a 3 and 4 year old that wanted to wash their hands after they used the bathroom? How about children who want to lay down and take a nap?
Also, these children have such a tender heart for others. I love the concern that they give each other with kisses and hugs. I don't want to make it sound like their perfect, because their far from perfect, but they are special, set apart. I love them to pieces. 

Good job Mom and Dad, keep plugging along with the Lord, because He's the one that makes the difference in your life and Olivia, Deacon and Levi get to taste the goodness of the Lord from you.  If you read this blog, I love you all.

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