Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Faith Builder

The winter season at work (the restaurant)  always reminds me of the winter season outside. Winter is only here for a very short time (which seems forever in the middle of it)  and then Spring. Obviously, Spring brings blooms and new growth, just as Spring brings more money to pay bills at Kookys...


I've always heard testimonies of people who have shared some remarkable stories, such as, " My husband and I have been praying for money so we can fly our family home to be with my parents at Christmas. Just the other day a friend of ours called and offered us their air miles that they've been saving. Can you believe it?"

How about: " We need our truck fixed, it's the only vehicle working right now and my husband really needs to get to work. We went to the mailbox yesterday and can you believe their was an envelope from an anonymous person with a money order for $900.00?"

Or..." We are low on food, my neighbor came over and brought us an unexpected dinner tonight."

All of these testimonies are believable, especially someone who has faith in God, but at the same time so far away from my mental ability to relate because it really doesn't happen to me. Seriously, it hasn't happened to me like that at all. But, I've always wanted it to and even found myself praying that it would. ( I know)

Do you know where I'm going with this?

I really am. Funds have been low at the Marcy house and I've SERIOUSLY been praying for something to come our way. Something like this: Lord, please open the flood gates to Kookys financially or if there's something I'm not thinking of please let that happen or Lord, please forgive me for trying to figure this out for you, because of course you are God and you know all things and alright Lord, I'm sorry, I surrender, you know our needs. AMEN! I sometimes feel sorry for God because He has to put up with me. 
Back to the story: that afternoon (after the prayer) I went out to the mailbox and low and behold their  REALLY was a check. It was from a lady David did work for almost a year ago who decided to finally pay him. (She was NOT included in my prayer; well maybe the last part of it) We had given up on her because of a track record she has of not paying us for work that has been done for her in the past years. (my husband really likes her  cranky self)

No lie, it really does happen. It really does happen to people like you and me.
Thank you Lord for loving your children and ALWAYS out smarting us...
Teach us to trust you!
~ Kelly



    A. A. MEN.

    A. A. MEN.

    that's a song..your supposed to sing it. God is good.

  2. I think there is one more a-men....I love that song.
    This was encouraging, and I am smiling.
    . I was just reading in Matthew where Jesus was doing a comparison of The Father's care of His child vs. a father's care of his child..even in consideration of the scripture in Isa that says" as far above the skies are from the earth, so are my ways above your ways, and my thoughts your thoughts".. It's just really cool that Jesus would bring it down to our level and let us know how much He cares..:D

  3. That was an awesome and very inspiring story. Thanks for sharing. We miss you guys. Hope to see you soon.

  4. I thought the story was going to end with... and God is bringing my amazingly wonderful daughter and her equally amazing husband and their three amazingly beautiful children to move into our home! But that was a good story too... love you!

  5. Haha are so clever :) Anyways, Kelly, great story! Super encouraging! It reminds me of when Rich spoke at church one time and said that he felt like his faith was the size of a speck of dust and his problem the size of a mountain. I feel that way often and I can completely relate to your prayer! Thanks for sharing!


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