Thursday, January 19, 2012

Baby Elijah

Dear Baby Elijah,

Oh how I miss your wet, slobbery kisses and your warm fuzzy head. I can't forget your 
gummy smile
 and your bright eyes.

Everywhere I look you are there.
 I look in my backyard and see your mommy holding you up to wave to Ba-ba out  the window of your apartment.

I look at your white car and see you in your car seat.

I go up in the apartment and see your crib

Bab-ba even has some of your clothes in her laundry room

Mommy left Ba-ba one of her favorite winter blankets that you wouldn't need in Honduras because of the warm climate.

Even at Kookys, Ba-ba remembers you sleeping in your car seat beside the toilet in her teeny tiny bathroom.

I wonder what your thinking in your little head going from a little 
Spanish to a lot of 
Spanish. To a lot of English to very little English.

Things are very different now

Do you like your new home?

I know you are loved a lot by your Mommy and Daddy and your new family.

Ba-ba can't wait to see you so she can hold you close to her again.

Ba-ba loves you sweet boy!


  1. That was sweet ! Now i need to go wash my face from crying! I love you momma!

  2. sorry for the tears, i felt like he needed a letter from ba-ba.


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