Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Paranoia and Cops...

I'm starting to get a little freaked out when I drive.

Two times in a week and a half I've been pulled over by a policeman. I'm really not that bad of a driver, I don't think anyway. But, I'm starting to get the butterfly, sick feeling when I see a cop.

The first time I was pulled over, the police officer just wanted to tell me that my headlight was burned out. O.k., no problem, we can deal with that. I happened to have a brand new bulb sitting on my dash, which hadn't been installed yet. Of course, I was quick to show him, which he said he would take into consideration. I also, had to say, "Sir, I've been driving for 34 years and I've never had a ticket in my life". Thank you Mam, I'll take that into consideration also...

I received a warning, to which I'm very grateful for... Safe once again...

Then, on the way home from work, I get pulled for making a right hand turn into the second lane furtherest from me, instead of the lane closest to me. The police officer asks, " Mam, do you know what your were doing?" No sir, I exclaimed..He then told me and asked me, " I know it's been awhile since you last took your driving exam, but do you remember this question on the exam?" I of course joked with him and said, sir are you trying to tell me that I'm getting old? He laughed. (thank God) He said, " Mam, I bet you remember that question on the exam and you have had a memory lapse. Of course, that's what it was, a memory lapse. I'm so sorry sir. He then proceeded to his car when I yelled out the window, sir, one more thing. He comes back, yes mam. I just wanted to tell you that I've never had a ticket in the 34 years I've been driving. I'll see what I can do mam.

Praise the Lord, he came back with a warning. I was so happy!

I went home and told my husband the whole story for the second time in 1 1/2 weeks. He keeps laughing at me and wonders how long I'll be able to use the: I've never had a ticket in my whole life card...

We'll see, I guess....

1 comment:

  1. Maybe a wee bit longer. My mom's bes friend, who happens to be 79, got a ticket 'round Christmas time. My mom didn't know it was her first ticket, and made a big joke out of it in front of a group of friends. Of course, her friend bursted out, That's my first ticket! So.... who knows? She never had the chance to discuss it with the officer as it was captured on camera. A new thing in NOLA. (By the way, my mom paid the ticket to lessen the sting.)


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